Rome, September 24-27: four days of debate, discussion and gathering
Challenge this time! (#SfidiamoIlPresente)
Struggles and conflicts in the movement and for the movements
With an irregular, yet steady, rhythm, the latest years definitely exposed how the promise of a world able to regulate by itself the labour market and the production and reallocation of resources, was betrayed. After decades of a substantially uncontested hegemony, the neoliberal ideology creaks. An age gleams on the verge of a nervous breakdown, a whole civilization is suspended and held on an abyss. Crisis, recession and reorganization define the unstable and tense background of the global present time, dotted by the progressive growth of systemic violence; in order to reproduce a command which is increasingly rapacious and destructive of lives and environments at the same time. A scenario with far-reaching causes and recent developments, within which power balances are continuosly recombining themselves, still failing to manage to find systemic stabilities.
Many kinds of conflict cross the social fabric of the territories we are living in, showing us that we are not all in the same boat – much to the chagrin of those who affirmed the necessity of rowing together. A heterogeneous kaleidoscope of struggles, forms of refusal, fields of dispute and contrast – sometimes explicit, sometimes underground, latent and potential – defines an unformed space of potentialities, in order to open up disruptions in our age. These social tendencies – in the present lack of magnetic forms able to group them together and of forces able to completely release their energies – are still contained within boundaries that are to be also searched in the idiosyncrasies and in the shortcomings of political antagonist capacity. Nevertheless, inside this magma, the latest years also produced – within such a daily movement – hundreds of activists and militants that are courageously growing in the struggles and the clash, generously doing their best and daring whereas it is necessary.
It is starting from this character of still confused features – from the struggles and practices of resistance and solidarity that define themselves in the territories – that the sincere search emerges, and the need of building a new promise for collective redemption comes forward. In the absence of run-of-the-mill truths, of models and of given solutions, it is however clear how the conditions of possibility – in order to make this promise able to establish and materialize itself – can only happen starting from the principle of contrast. Even the organizations that operate in the Europe-province on the government framework and on that of an increasingly battered democracy (by proposing a demand of reform of capitalism – from Syriza to Podemos), are forced to produce their political challenge on the ground of disruption; and, in these very cases, to assess the impossibility of positive outcomes, of possible transitions within the forms of political representation. Every hypothesis of systemic reorganization, being it ineluctably played inside the iron cage that defined itself around the crux of debt and finance, configures itself as colonization and exploitation of the whole life.
It is inside – and starting from – this mess of problems that a question binds us together. Which are the conditions, which are the methodologies and the practices we must know how to impose, in order to find again a strength of ours – a partisan and collective one – able to stand today (in the perspective of an overturing of the balances of power) the class clash and the attack against entire generations? In order to be able to move in the search for the answers to such questions, it is increasingly necessary to start from a two-fold verification: on one hand there is the issue of how to evade, circumvent, exceed and tear down the limits that the struggles have shown in the latest years – being aware that many new territories have to be explored; on the other hand, we have to take note about how the testing of meetings and agreements starting from the struggles are the inescapable starting point – in order to wipe out solitude, giving a renewed strenght and trust to social subjectivities. Precious and complex experiences have to meet together, debate, question their own assumptions, mix up and enrich a common wealth of knowledge and practices built on a tenacious incompatibility, in order to open a field of possibilities for new processes of movement.
In the age of the crisis, we need to put in the spotlight of a possible and evolving common debate the themes of the construction of conflict, of its legitimacy and duration, of the social entrenchment and organization of a partisan movement, of the new forms of social activation and of research of exposing new rising subjectivities, preventing the counterparty’s agendas or the trite rituals of the autumnal event from shaping their developments. We need to map the fault lines that gleam on our part of the world, in our class, and build new forms of political intervention. It is starting from those who recognize themselves in the urgency to think, organize and practice a sincere challenge to our time that, within an open and all to be explored proposal, we are building a space of discussion, gathering and debate in Rome from September 24 to 27, 2015; one that could be an appointment, in order to test forms of synchronization of the beats of social conflict.
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