And now what? ― First thoughts on an antagonistic movement in times of pandemic
[Note: the following text was written and distributed in Greek in early April, during the first stages of the current pandemic/crisis. Some things have of […]
[Note: the following text was written and distributed in Greek in early April, during the first stages of the current pandemic/crisis. Some things have of […]
The following text is meant to be read as a brief companion piece to our previous letter that aimed to inform comrades around the world […]
This letter aims to inform comrades around the world about the situation in Greece during the coronavirus pandemic. The first case of coronavirus was identified […]
On Monday 6 of April a counter-information radioshow was broadcasted on the activist radio station Radio Helsinki, in relation to the war waged by the […]
3rd issue of Bulletin is out! You can read it here : https://bulletin.espivblogs.net/files/2019/06/Bulletin_3_web.pdf Briser les frontières, communiquer et lutter ensemble Thyejmë kufijtë, komunikojmë dhe luftojmë […]
1. Capitalist restructuring in the SYRIZA-ANEL times At the time of writing of this text, we are in the third year of the SYRIZA-ANEL coalition […]
What are the limitations of the recent years’ strike mobilisations? Is it possible to go beyond their deadlocks by building a different strategy? Can we […]
The following text was published in “Sfika”, the journal published by SKYA, in June 2015. Even though many things have happened since, we consider […]
Yesterday evening (22/9/16) two Doorbraak activists gave a talk in Athens on workfare and forced labour in the Netherlands. The meeting was organized by SKYA […]
malaboca collective “not to give up in the face of misery” In late september and the beginning of octobre of 2015 we travelled barcelona, sabadell […]
Rome, September 24-27: four days of debate, discussion and gathering Challenge this time! (#SfidiamoIlPresente) Struggles and conflicts in the movement and for the movements […]
“Here in this neighborhood, in the next little street nest built a partridge little one” traditional song from Corfu The revolt of December 2008 and […]
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